Impact Capitalism Summit

Save the date!

June 9-11, 2025 | Charleston, SC

This event is limited to LPs actively deploying capital into Impact PE Funds.

Presented By:

Weaving Interconnected Capital Solutions into the Climate Tapestry

We hope can join us for our 11th annual Impact Capitalism Summit. This year’s theme, “Weaving Interconnected Capital Solutions into the Climate Tapestry“, is a call to action for investors to explore innovative and integrated approaches to address the climate crisis. The metaphor of a tapestry suggests the complex and interconnected nature of climate change and the various solutions required to mitigate its impacts.

At its core, this topic emphasizes the need for investors to recognize the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and governance factors with financial performance. Rather than viewing climate action in isolation, the summit urges investors to weave together diverse capital solutions that not only promote sustainability but also generate long-term value.

This approach acknowledges that climate change is not just an environmental issue but also a systemic risk that affects economies, societies, and businesses worldwide. By integrating climate considerations into investment strategies, investors can contribute to building resilience, driving innovation, and fostering sustainable development.

Key themes likely to be addressed at the summit include:

  1. Integrated Investment Strategies: Exploring how investors can incorporate climate-related risks and opportunities into their decision-making processes across asset classes.

  2. Innovative Financing Mechanisms: Identifying new financing models, such as green bonds, impact investing, and sustainable infrastructure funds, to mobilize capital towards climate solutions.

  3. Collaborative Partnerships: Highlighting the importance of collaboration among investors, governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders to scale up climate investments and maximize impact.

  4. Measuring Impact: Discussing methodologies and metrics for assessing the environmental and social impact of investments, beyond traditional financial returns.

  5. Policy and Regulatory Landscape: Examining the role of government policies, regulations, and international frameworks in shaping investment incentives and creating an enabling environment for climate-aligned capital flows.

Overall, the summit aims to inspire investors to embrace a holistic approach to climate action, recognizing the interconnectedness of financial, environmental, and social goals. By weaving together diverse capital solutions, investors can contribute significantly to the collective effort to address the climate crisis and build a more sustainable future.”

"The ability to have conversations in a relaxed and trusted environment is something you really can’t experience at other events. It is a place you can establish enduring relationships."

Kelly Williams – CEO, The Williams Legacy Foundation

2025 Summit Agenda

Day 1 Agenda
Energy Transition Museum Tour
4:15pm – 5:15pm 
Kick off with Jane Woodward, Founder & Managing Partner, WovenEarth Ventures, followed by docent-led museum tours. Tour will begin in the Gosnell Gallery of the Whaling Museum. 

Pre-Event Cocktail Reception & Networking

Nantucket Whaling Museum – Rooftop

5:30 – 8:00pm

Located in the heart of downtown Nantucket, the Whaling Museum Rooftop is the perfect venue to kick off a great two days together!

Nantucket Whaling Museum
13 Broad St,
Nantucket, MA 02554


Pre-Event: Nantucket Whaling Museum

4:15 PM - 8:00 PM
Jane Woodward

Energy Transition Museum Tour
4:15 – 5:15pm

Kick off with Jane Woodward, Founder & Managing Partner, WovenEarth Ventures, followed by docent-led museum tours. Tour will begin in the Gosnell Gallery of the Whaling Museum.

Nantucket Whaling Museum
13 Broad St, Nantucket, MA 02554


Pre-Event Cocktail Reception and Networking
5:30 – 8:00pm

Located in the heart of downtown Nantucket, the Whaling Museum Rooftop is the perfect venue to kick off a great two days together!

Nantucket Whaling Museum Rooftop
13 Broad St, Nantucket, MA 02554

Day 2 Agenda

8:00-9:00am: Breakfast – Nantucket Hotel & Resort

9:00-9:15am: Opening Remarks / Welcome – Nantucket Hotel & Resort

9:15-10:00am: Keynote: Michael Tiedemann: CEO, AlTi Tiedemann Global – Nantucket Hotel & Resort

9:45-11:15am: Impact in Action – Nantucket Hotel & Resort

11:15am-12:00pm: Panel 1: Climate Opportunity for All – Nantucket Hotel & Resort

Moderator Tom Burton, Member / Chair, Energy & Sustainability Practice, Mintz

Omar Blayton, CFO, Sunwealth

Rashid Malik, CFA, 4S Bay Partners

12:00-1:00pm: Lunch – Nantucket Hotel & Resort

1:15-4:15pm: Island Excursions – options including fishing, biking, walking tour, kayaking, paddle boarding, Cisco Brewing, and painting classes

4:15-5:30pm: Break

5:30-6:30pm: Cocktails & Appetizers – Great Harbor Yacht Club

6:30-7:30pm: Lobster Bake – Great Harbor Yacht Club

7:30-8:30pm: Panel 2: Hot Topics in Climate Policy in the US – Great Harbor Yacht Club

Moderator: Mary Beth Houlihan, Partner ESG & Impact, Kirkland & Ellis

Ken Mehlman, Partner, Gobal Head of Public Affairs & Co-Head of KKR Global Impact 

Ian Bowles, Co-Founder & Managing Director, WindSail Capital Group

Nantucket Hotel & Resort

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Opening Remarks/ Keynote

9:00 - 9:45 AM
Nancy Pfund

Founder and Managing Partner, DBL Partners

Michael Tiedemann
Michael Tiedemann

CEO, AlTi Tiedemann Global

Impact In Action

9:45 - 11:15 PM

This session allows investors to have conversations with several pre-screen, leading impact fund managers.

Panel 1: Climate Opportunity for All

11:15 -12:00 PM
Tom Burton

Moderator – Member / Chair, Energy & Sustainability Practice, Mintz

Omar Blayton
Omar Blayton

CFO, Sunwealth

Tom Ferguson
Tom Ferguson

Founder & Managing Partner, Burnt Island Ventures

Rashid Malik
Rashid Malik

CFA, 4S Bay Partners

Nantucket Hotel & Resort

12:00 - 1:00 PM

Island Excursions

1:15 - 4:15 PM
Options including fishing, biking, walking tour, kayaking, paddle boarding, Cisco Brewing, and painting classes


4:15 - 5:30 PM

Cocktails & Appetizers
Great Harbor Yacht Club

5:30 - 6:30 PM

Lobster Bake Dinner
Great Harbor Yacht Club

6:30 - 7:30 PM

Dinner Panel: Hot Topics in Climate Policy in the US

7:30 - 8:30 PM
Mary Beth Houlihan
Mary Beth Houlihan

Moderator – Partner ESG & Impact, Kirkland & Ellis

Ken Mehlman
Ken Mehlman

Moderator – Partner, Global Head of Public Affairs & Co-Head of KKR Global Impact, KKR

Sponsored by KKR

Ian Bowles
Ian Bowles

Co-Founder & Managing Director, WindSail Capital Group

Neal Dikeman
Neal Dikeman

Partner, Energy Transition Ventures

Day 3 Agenda

All events for the day are at Nantucket Hotel & Resort

8:00-9:00am: Breakfast

9:00-9:45am: Table Discussions

9:45-10:30am: Panel 3: Moving the Needle on Climate

Moderator: Josh Hesterman, Managing Director, Climate Advisory Group, KPMG
Leela Ramnath, Senior Vice President, Global Head of Sustainability Strategy, Warburg Pincus
Lexi Wachter, Vice President, General Atlantic
Jane Woodward, Founder & Managing Partner, WovenEarth Ventures

10:30-11:15am: Table Discussions

11:15am-12:00pm: Structured Networking

12:00-12:10pm: Closing Remarks

12:10-2:30pm: Lunch and Cocktails in the Breezeway

Nantucket Hotel & Resort

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Table Discussions

9:00 - 9:45 AM
Nancy Pfund

Founder and Managing Partner, DBL Partners

Phil Polakoff
Phil Polakoff

Founder & CEO, A Healthier We

Tom Burton

Member/Chair, Energy & Sustainability Practice, Mintz

Panel 3:
Moving the Needle on Climate

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Josh Hesterman
Josh Hesterman

Moderator: Managing Director, Climate Advisory Group, KPMG

Leela Ramnath
Leela Ramnath

Senior Vice President, Global Head of Sustainability Strategy, Warburg Pincus

Lexi Wachter
Lexi Wachter

Vice President, General Atlantic

Jane Woodward

Founder & Managing Partner, WovenEarth Ventures

Abrielle Rosenthal

Chief Sustainability Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer & Managing Director TowerBrook

Table Discussions 2

10:45 - 11:30 AM
Nancy Pfund

Founder and Managing Partner, DBL Partners

Phil Polakoff
Phil Polakoff

Founder & CEO, A Healthier We

Tom Burton

Member/Chair, Energy & Sustainability Practice, Mintz

Structured Networking

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Discussions Topics:

  • Impact: Measure What Matters
  • Frameworks for Climate Investing
  • Eating Your Way Into A Longer, Higher Quality of Life
  • Impact Investing | A Family Affair
  • Can Psychedelics, Once Banned, Help Mental Resiliency?
  • How Can We Democratize Renewable Energy?
  • Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Through Investing in Minority-owned Businesses
  • Leveraging Disability As An Asset

Closing Remarks

12:00 - 12:10 PM

Lunch & Cocktails
in the Breezeway

12:10 - 2:30 PM
Hadwen House Garden

Enjoy the beautiful Victorian garden, maintained by the Nantucket Garden Club, offering a stunning venue.

About Impact Capitalism Summit

Bringing together top investors and fund managers to discuss impact strategies that achieve market rate returns. Join investors actively deploying capital for impact and return including family offices, foundations, institutional investors, wealth advisors, & asset managers.

JOIN US Get Tickets

Early Bird

$ 1,500
  • Pre-Networking Event
  • All Programming
  • All Event Meals & Drinks
  • Carbon Offset


$ 2,000
  • Pre-Networking Event
  • All Programming
  • All Event Meals & Drinks
  • Carbon Offset

Disclaimer: This event is for impact investors who are actively deploying capital into impact funds. 
We will reach out if we feel that you are not a fit for this event. In that event, we will refund the full ticket price.

Past Speakers

Lisette Cooper
Dr. Lisette Cooper
Vice Chair
Fiduciary Trust International
Ken Mehlman
Ken Mehlman
Global Head of Public Affairs & Co-Head of KKR Global Impact
Tania Carnegie
Tania Carnegie
Global & US Lead, Private Equity & Asset Management
Hope Mago
Hope Mago
HCAP Partners
Nancy Pfund
Founder & Managing Partner
DBL Partners
Phil Polakoff
Phil Polakoff
Founder & CEO
A Healthier We
Tom Burton
Liza Ming
Elizabeth Ming
ESG Audit Partner
Anna Sulger
Anna Sulger
ESG Associate
Steve Hatfield
Head of ESG, US
The Carlyle Group
Stephan Feilhauer
Managing Director, Head of Clean Energy Fund
S2G Ventures
Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor
Founder, CEO & CIO
Paul Barker
Paul Barker
Partner, ESG & Impact
Kirkland & Ellis
Jane Woodward
Founder & Managing Partner
WovenEarth Ventures
Amit Bouri
Amit Bouri
CEO & Co-Founder

Matt Allessio
Matt Allessio
Managing Director, Head of Growth & Rise Operations
TPG Rise
Abrielle Rosenthal
Chief Sustainability Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer & Managing Director


A look back at our 2024 event

Travel Info Where & How

Hotel Bennett

404 King St, Charleston, SC 29403
  • Coming Soon!


Presented By:


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